Friday, July 1, 2011

The Great Build

Today, much was done to the bike. But let me say this first, I hate the DMV they are dumb shit slow at everything, and I am pretty sure literally no one there has even a high school diploma. But continuing on now...

First order of business was to get the new seat mount (btw not the recommend methord, but I was eager to ride so what). Overall the seat install was that hard, really none of the build was honestly that tough. All it really took was some time patience and some elbow grease ( no actual grease was involved). The most tedious parts of the build was wiring the electrical system for the new lights, stripping wires and such, along with crimping. But it was very satisfing to see the bike light up for the first time. I ran out of day light  before I could wrap up the wires with electrical tape and do the handle bar. But that will be saved for sunday.

Anyway, as alway pics will be in the next post.

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